I am so happy for Seth Aaron-he is such a sweetheart-and I love, love, love his looks for this challenge... By mr knowitall on . Oh, a call back to last week`s winning pair-up! Confusing! And all& .. I also like the idea of getting stinking drunk and leaving a bag of flaming dogpoop for Gwyneth Paltrow. Happy Birthday Aaron today is my Birthday also but I`m just a little older honored to have the same birthday!!!:):). I laminated the sheet so we can wipe off and reuse each day and got a clipboard for each to keep their sheet on..
aron forseth
This sheet will have their daily schedule for the& ..but that`s just the kind of bitch that I am! ShivaDiva 4/8/10, 3:01& ... Collins& ....I have made daily schedule sheets for Seth and Aaron this year.
Collins& ....I have made daily schedule sheets for Seth and Aaron this year..April 24 2013 4:29pm As the New York Post reports, "The next target for Jay-Z`s Roc Nation Sports banner is potential No. In an ideal world I vote for Seth`s approach too, but I have also spoke with well known consultants who wasted a decade of their life because they just figured people would realize how brilliant their stuff was.. I like some of Emilio`s designs but I often feel the judges give him& .Of the designers left, I`m definitely rooting for Seth Aaron
.April 24 2013 4:29pm As the New York Post reports, "The next target for Jay-Z`s Roc Nation Sports banner is potential No. In an ideal world I vote for Seth`s approach too, but I have also spoke with well known consultants who wasted a decade of their life because they just figured people would realize how brilliant their stuff was.. I like some of Emilio`s designs but I often feel the judges give him& .Of the designers left, I`m definitely rooting for Seth Aaron..By Gerald Forseth on Dec 2, 2012 | Reply ...I am so happy for Seth Aaron-he is such a sweetheart-and I love, love, love his looks for this challenge
Of the designers left, I`m definitely rooting for Seth Aaron..By Gerald Forseth on Dec 2, 2012 | Reply ...I am so happy for Seth Aaron-he is such a sweetheart-and I love, love, love his looks for this challenge... By mr knowitall on . Oh, a call back to last week`s winning pair-up! Confusing! And all& .
I am so happy for Seth Aaron-he is such a sweetheart-and I love, love, love his looks for this challenge... By mr knowitall on . Oh, a call back to last week`s winning pair-up! Confusing! And all& .. I also like the idea of getting stinking drunk and leaving a bag of flaming dogpoop for Gwyneth Paltrow. Happy Birthday Aaron today is my Birthday also but I`m just a little older honored to have the same birthday!!!:):). I laminated the sheet so we can wipe off and reuse each day and got a clipboard for each to keep their sheet on..
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